Your small part supplier | ||
Company presentation
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Dear partner,
Bufab Romania, with the warehouse in Sannicoara, Cluj
county, is one of the most important distributors of fasteners and special
assembling parts, and as a part of Bufab Group is one of the most active player
on the European fastener and special part market.
Being present
in 32 countries with a turnover of over 220 mil.Euro, we are are always close
to our clients. Our motto: Think GLOBAL Act LOCAL !!!
Bufab is active
in most industrial markets: furniture (especially factories that produce for
Ikea: Plimob, Taparo, Aviva, Sortilem, Nikmob, etc, and other important furniture
factories), naval (Stx, Damen Shipyards), telecom (Ericsson), electric
(Schneider, ABB, Siemens), automotive (Volvo, Scania, Saab, Renault Trucks,
Trelleborg), home appliances (Arcelic-Arctic), and producers from general
industry (Eldon, Assa Abloy, Thule, Husqvarna).
Bufab it’s distinguished
by our customer orientated way of working, being sustained by a state-of-art IT
system, powerful logistics. Everything in Bufab it’s designed to add value to
our services and customers, starting from warehouses, departments and down to
every colleague’s work. Every contract it’s unique because every customer’s
need it’s unique. We keep stocks, we handle forecasts, we deliver to you in
time as your production keeps going forward without interruption. Our long-term
partnerships are proof that Bufab is a trustworthy partner, able to satisfy
every technical and qualitative demand for your fasteners and special parts.
1. Variety – we offer a very wide range of fasteners (furniture, general industry);
2. Special parts – we
are the most competitive on special parts – produced according to our customers
specification and drawings (sheet metal, mechanical machining, injection from
high quality materials: metal, plastic or rubber; even even do combined parts);
3.Guaranteed quality – our
suppliers and their products are constantly verified; we have quality
certification ISO 9001 and ISO14001;
4. Very good logistics – because of the structure of the group
we can respond to our clients in a manner that makes our collaboration more efficient,
lucrative and comfortable;
5. Responsibility – Because
we are certain of the quality of our products and services, we take responsibility
for the parts that we deliver to you;
6. Global presence combined
with flexibility – You have all the advantages that arise
from working with a global partner combined with the advantages offered by a
local supplier, with the following result: nominated stocks, know-how at your
disposal, fast, flexible, easy and efficient collaboration;
7. Reduction of production costs – together
we can implement a way of working and modern solution that can lead to your
production costs reduction, by receiving more competitive pricing, lower safety
stocks in your warehouse, shorter buying period, more flexible payment terms.
You can find more details in
the presentation materials available at the links that you can find below. I’ve preferred not to attached these
materials to this email because of their size. Your server would have declined
my email.
3. Bufab2012
general catalogue - fasteners
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Company presentation
joi, 23 august 2012
Company presentation
marți, 24 iulie 2012
Your small part supplier | ||
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Stimate partener,
Romania, cu depozitul in Sannicoara, judetul Cluj, este unul dintre cei
mai importanti distribuitori de elemente de asamblare, iar ca parte integranta a
grupului Bufab unul dintre cei mai activi jucatori pe piata elementelor de
asamblare din Europa.
Fiind prezenti in 32
tari, cu o cifra de afaceri de peste 220 milioane de Euro, suntem mereu aproape
de clientii nostri. Motto-ul nostru: Think GLOBAL Act LOCAL
Bufab este activ in majoritatea
segmentelor din industrie: productia de mobilier (in special fabrici care produc
pentru grupul suedez Ikea: Plimob, Taparo, Aviva, Sortilem, Nikmob, etc, dar si
alte fabrici importante de mobilier), navala (Stx, Damen Shipyards), telecom
(Ericsson), electric (Schneider, ABB, Simens), auto (Volvo, Scania, Saab,
Renault Trucks, Trelleborg), electrocasnice (Arcelic-Arctic), si producatori din
industra generala (Eldon, grupul Assa, Thule, Husqvarna).
se distinge prin modul de lucru orientat spre client si nevoile
acestuia, un mod organizat sustinut de un sistem IT performant, menit sa aduca
un plus de valoare partenerilor nostri prin organizarea, in functie de productia
partenerilor, atat a achizitiilor in derulare cat si a stocurilor, astfel incat
reperele dumneavoastra sa fie disponibile pentru linia de fabricatie atunci cand
aveti nevoie si cu un minim de implicare din partea dumneavoastra.
Parteneriatele noastre de lunga durata dovedesc ca Bufab este un partener de
incredere, dispus si mai ales capabil sa satisfaca orice cerinte tehnice si de
calitate in ceea ce priveste elementele de asamblare.
1. Varietate
– oferim o
gama foarte varianta de organe de asamblare standard (pt.industria generala DIN,
pentru productia de mobilier, etc);
de asamablare nestandardizate – suntem cei mai competitivi pe piata
elementelor de asamblare nestandardizate – produse conform specificatiilor
clientului si dupa desenul acestuia (elemente din metal realizate prin indoirea,
laminare sau prelucrari mecanice, elemente din plastic sau cauciuc, precum si
elemente combinate) pentru productii de serie;
garantata – sursele de material precum si producatorii Bufab sunt
verificati in permanenta; produsele comercializate sunt verificate in permanenta
si in acest sens dispunem si de ceritificarile ISO 9001 si
deosebita – datorita structurii pe care este construit grupul Bufab,
putem raspunde cerintelor dumneavoastra intr-o maniera care sa faca colaborarea
noastra cat mai eficienta, productiva si comoda;
– Deoarece suntem siguri de calitatea produsele si serviciilor pe care vi le
oferim, Bufab isi asuma responsabilitatea pentru produsele livrate si
eventualele defecte sau erori;
globala - Toate avantajele care survin din lucrul cu o companie cu
prezenta globala combinate cu avantejele oferite de o companie locala,
rezultatul fiind: stocuri dedicate si know-how, rapiditate, flexibilitate,
colaborare usoara si eficienta
costurilor de productie - datorita logistici deosebite si a
departamentelor noastre specializate, putem implementa impreuna cu dumneavoastra
un mod de lucru care sa duca la reducerea costurilor de productie, prin preturi
mai competitive, durata de aprovizionare mai scurta, stocuri tampon mai mici,
termene de plata flexibile, etc.
multe detalii puteti gasi in materialele de prezentare de la link-urile de mai
jos. Am preferat ca acestea sa nu fie atasate datorita dimensiunilor mari, care
ar fi putut duce la refuzarea emailulului de catre serverul
1. Brosura
Bufab - prezentare companii Bufab
2. Prezentare Bufab
3. Catalog
general Bufab 2012 – standarde
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